This online tutorial is designed to reinforce theoretical knowledge about balance sheet and profit and loss (P&L) compilation studied in the "Microlending Basics" online course. The tutorial includes a number of case studies that will help participants to practice application of their theoretical knowledge.
The tutorial is targeted at staff of financial institutions engaged in serving micro and small enterprises (MSEs).
All tasks in the tutorial are based on typical small business borrowers engaged in the trade or services sectors. The case studies are based on real-life client situations encountered in MSE lending in different countries.
In the course of their work, loan officers carry out comprehensive analyses of all relevant information obtained from loan applicants in order to find the best solution for the financial institution and the client. By looking into concrete real-life situations, among other skills, participants will practice the important skill of taking an individual approach to each client, with due consideration for the client’s characteristics, specificity of how the business is organized and the concrete financial situation of the client.
In all tasks, monetary units are provisional and not associated with any particular currency.
The tutorial includes seven tasks. At the end of the tutorial, participants will be offered to take a self-test. No statement of completion will be issued for the tutorial.
The estimated time for tutorial completion is 1.5-2 hours.
For task calculations, you will need a calculator.