
Emerging technologies such as AI, 5G, DLT, and quantum are increasingly being used by financial services firms and are forming clusters that are driving innovation....

GIZ has prepared a comprehensive toolkit on women's financial inclusion. "The purpose of this toolkit is to help practitioners working in developing countries advance women’s financial inclusion and navigate the existing barriers...

This year’s report aims to keep the focus on consistent measurement of gender gaps while providing new data to point to emerging and concerning trends in the labour market...

According to ADB's new Asian Development Outlook "Growth in 2021 is forecast to be strongest in East and South Asia, and more moderate in Central and Southeast Asia and the Pacific...

'Throughout the current crisis, the international statistics community has continued to work together, in partnership with national statistical offices and systems around the world to ensure that the best quality data and statistics are available to support decision making during and after the crisis.

Women, Business and the Law 2021 is the seventh in a series of annual studies measuring the laws and regulations that affect women’s economic opportunity...

"This note provides a snapshot of the policies and investments that governments in EBRD investee economies have implemented to support their green economy transition. As of February 2021, there was only ...

Artificial intelligence technologies are permeating financial services sectors around the world. The application of these technologies in emerging markets allows financial service providers to further automate their business processes and to leverage new and big data sources to overcome obstacles— including the high cost of serving rural and low-income customers...

'The diverse visions presented in the form of essays provide a forward-looking perspective on SME financing as a real engine for growth. The publication presents the visions by groups of common themes...'

'This crisis response roadmap is designed to help MFIs navigate the immediate health pandemic and its economic impact, and to provide guidance on recommended practices that are both relevant today and for future crises....'

Although the global economy is emerging from the collapse triggered by COVID-19, the recovery is likely to be subdued, and global GDP is projected to remain well below its pre-pandemic trend for a prolonged period. Several risks cloud the outlook, including those related to the pandemic and to rapidly rising debt. 

'New and innovative digital approaches that facilitate access to finance can effectively support the socioeconomic empowerment of women in Asia and the Pacific. The paper outlines the significance of financial technology in overcoming limitations to accessing digital products and services...'